BrainVoyager EDU Access File (eduexdat.bin)
Only registered data files and other files derived from them can be accessed by BV EDU
An access file keeps track of which files can be accessed by BV EDU
Any new files that you generate from enabled files will be added to your access file
If you want to enable files generated by another user, you can get a file , eduexdat.bin, from them and add it to your files using File/Show EDU Datasets… then Add More Datasets then Browse to select the file on your computer
DO NOT CLICK “Clear Extra Datasets” unless you really know what you’re doing
Geek info: The local access file is stored here but most users shouldn’t need to work with it.
Windows [drive]:\Users\[user]\AppData\Local\Brain Innovation\BrainVoyagerEDU
Replace [drive] with system drive (usually C:\)
Mac /Users/[user]/Library/Application Support/Brain Innovation/BrainVoyagerEDU
Replace [user] with account username
To see some of the folders and files, you may need to show hidden folders and files. On your main HD, typically called “Macintosh HD”, type command-shift-. (i.e., command-shift-period) to see and unsee hidden folders and files. See Figure below.
You may not have an access file eduexdat.bin unless you’ve saved any new files while using BV EDU
On a Mac, you can show hidden files (grayed out on left) by typing command-shift-period
Here is an example of the path for the access file on a Mac